Vol. 1 No. 1 (2019)

					View Vol. 1 No. 1 (2019)

This is the inaugural issue of JESR contains several articles in the field of engineering and applied science research. We would like to endow our grateful, for public attention, consideration and suggestions regarding the manuscript quality of this inaugural issue. This issue contains 8 research articles on interdisciplinary works. Most of the articles are industrial research in the field of geophysical engineering, agriculture, chemical engineering, and applied sciences. A review paper in biomedical science is also included. We believe this issue, and forward, JESR will contribute in scientific and technology world as well as engineering developemnt and needs. During the processing of the publications, we received tremendous supports and services from the reviewers and all contributors, in which we expressed our appreciation and grateful. We do hope this issue will provide some significant for the readers. We are getting better, but we have to get better.

Published: 2019-06-17