JESR Scopus citedness

Total Scopus Citedness of JESR : 2Updated 28/01/2023, as follows:


> Dashboard Monitoring Atmospheric Corrosion Sensor in Material Metal Using Laravel Framework  (N Rohmalia, GF Nama, N Purwasih ; Journal of Engineering and Scientific Research 3 (1), 1-6)

Cited by

1. N. Kumaladewi, M. M. Iqbal and M. Q. Huda, "LaravelFramework on Child Friendly Integrated Public Space Management Information System," 2022 10th International Conference on Cyber and IT Service Management (CITSM), Yogyakarta, Indonesia, 2022, pp. 01-05, doi: 10.1109/CITSM56380.2022.9935995.



Electric field waveforms of very close negative cloud to ground flashes (SAS Baharin, MR Ahmad ; Journal of Engineering and Scientific Research 2 (2), 115-120)

Cited by

1. Baharin, S. A. S., Ahmad, M. R., Al-Shaikhli, T. R. K., Sidik, M. A. B., Sabri, M. H. M., Al-Kahtani, A. A. N., ... & Cooray, V. (2022). Microwave radiation associated with stepped leaders of negative cloud-to-ground flashes. Atmospheric Research270, 106091.


2. Sabri, M. H. M., Ahmad, M. R., Al-Kahtani, A. A. N., Ab Kadir, M. Z. A., Baharin, S. A. S., Lu, G., ... & Nordin, F. H. (2022). A study of cloud-to-ground lightning flashes initiated by fast positive breakdown. Atmospheric Research276, 106260.


3. Ullah, I., Bahrom, M. N. R. B., Khan, M. A., & Qazi, A. (2022). An Experimental Study of Electromagnetic Field Propagation Due to Lightning Upward Leaders and Its Probability on Different Small-Scale Structures. Energies15(18), 6597.


4. Sabri, M. H. M., Alkahtani, A. A., Ahmad, M. R., Baharin, S. A. S., Lu, G., Kawasaki, Z., & Cooray, V. (2022). Microwave Radiation Associated with Lightning Initiation Events of Negative Cloud-to-Ground Flashes. Atmosphere13(9), 1454.


5. Ahmad, M. R., Baharin, S. A. S., Yusop, N., Esa, M. R. M., & Sidik, M. A. B. (2022, March). Occurrence of Positive Cloud-to-Ground Lightning During Flash Flood in Malacca. In 2022 IEEE International Conference in Power Engineering Application (ICPEA) (pp. 1-3). IEEE.



> Mathematical model of improved reverse charging of wireless internet pricing scheme in servicing multiple QoS (FM Puspita, DR Nur, AL Tanjung, J Silaen, W Herlina, Y Yunita ; Journal of Engineering and Scientific Research 1 (2), 89-93)

Cited by

1. Puspita, F. M., Herlina, W., Anggraini, S., Arisha, B., & Yunita, Y. (2019, December). Improved internet wireless reverse charging models under multi link service network by end-to-end delay QoS attribute. In 2019 International Seminar on Research of Information Technology and Intelligent Systems (ISRITI) (pp. 182-187). IEEE.


2. Puspita, F. M., Wulandari, A., Yuliza, E., Sitepu, R., & Yunita, Y. (2021). End-to-End Delay QoS Attribute-Based Bundling Strategy of Wireless Improved Reverse Charging Network Pricing Model. Science and Technology Indonesia6(1), 30-38.


3. Puspita, F. M., Wulandari, A., Yuliza, E., & Sitepu, R. (2020, December). Modification of Wireless Reverse Charging Scheme with Bundling Optimization Issues. In 2020 3rd International Seminar on Research of Information Technology and Intelligent Systems (ISRITI) (pp. 556-561). IEEE.


4. Puspita, F. M., Haloho, D. B., Yahdin, S., Yuliza, E., Nurhayati, L., & Hartono, Y. (2021, December). Quasi Linear Utility Function Based-Wireless Internet Incentive-Pricing Models. In 2021 4th International Seminar on Research of Information Technology and Intelligent Systems (ISRITI) (pp. 525-531). IEEE.


5. Puspita, F. M., Rezky, B. J., Simarmata, A. N. Y., Yuliza, E., & Hartono, Y. (2021). Improved incentive pricing-based quasi-linear utility function of wireless networks. Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science22(3), 1467-1475.



> Improvement of Hardness of Hydroxyapatite by the Addition of Silica from Tin Tailings (F Afriani, J Evi, Y Tiandho ;  Journal of Engineering and Scientific Research 2 (2), 85-89)

Cited by

1. Hendronursito, Y., Sukmana, I., & Risano, A. Y. E. (2021, August). Study of the potential utilization of local Lampung Province resources in development of dental implant bioceramics. In IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering (Vol. 1173, No. 1, p. 012026). IOP Publishing.


2. Afriani, F., Evi, J., Rafsanjani, R. A., Amelia, R., Hudatwi, M., & Tiandho, Y. (2021, November). Synthesis of 3D-porous scaffold from cockle shells waste-based hydroxyapatite with addition silica from tin tailings. In IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (Vol. 926, No. 1, p. 012044). IOP Publishing.



> Modeling Stock Return Data using Asymmetric Volatility Models : A Performance Comparison based on the Akaike Information Criterion and Schwarz Criterion (KN E Setiawan, N Herawati ; Journal of Engineering and Scientific Research 1 (1), 37-41)

Cited by

1. Abd, H. T., Mahdi, N. N., & Hussein, A. H. (2020). Predictive study on time series modeling and comparison with application. Periodicals of Engineering and Natural Sciences8(2), 656-667.


 > Production and Characterization of Scaffold made of Hydroxyapatite and Pectin oGreen Cincau Leaf (Premna Oblongifolia Merr) (DE S Habibie, Y Tristiyanti, D Gustiono, M E Harahap, S Y Chalid ; Journal of Engineering and Scientific Research 1 (1), 12-16)

Cited by

1. Hendronursito, Y., Sukmana, I., & Risano, A. Y. E. (2021, August). Study of the potential utilization of local Lampung Province resources in development of dental implant bioceramics. In IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering (Vol. 1173, No. 1, p. 012026). IOP Publishing.


2. Irza, S., Yusuf, H., Shirley, S., & David C, B. (2022). Characterization and Potential Production of Glass-Ceramics Biomaterial from Basalt Rock of Local Lampung Province.



> Monitoring for photovoltaic in outer island (W Sunanda, EA Pratama, H Subastiyan, Y Tiandho, D Novitasari ; Journal of Engineering and Scientific Research 2 (2), 68-73)

Cited by

1. Hemasastra, G. V., Gusa, R. F., & Sunanda, W. (2021, September). Preliminary study of floating photovoltaic in Bangka Belitung Island. In 2021 International Conference on Technology and Policy in Energy and Electric Power (ICT-PEP) (pp. 192-195). IEEE.


2. Pratama, E. G., Sunanda, W., & Gusa, R. F. (2021, November). A floating photovoltaic system for fishery aeration. In IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (Vol. 926, No. 1, p. 012014). IOP Publishing.



> Social capital, entrepreneurship and rural development (G Prayitno, DS Noor, ART Hidayat ; Journal of Engineering and Scientific Research 1 (2), 84-88)

Cited by

1. Aritenang, A. (2021). The Role of Social Capital on Rural Enterprises Economic Performance: A Case Study in Indonesia Villages. SAGE Open11(3), 21582440211044178.



> Similarity analyzer for semantic interoperability of electronic health records using artificial intelligence (AI) (A Naveed, YF Hu, T Sigwele, G Mohi-Ud-Din, M Susanto  ;  Journal of Engineering and Scientific Research 1 (2), 53-58)

Cited by

1. Tjandra, D., Migrino, R. Q., Giordani, B., & Wiens, J. (2022). Use of blood pressure measurements extracted from the electronic health record in predicting Alzheimer's disease: A retrospective cohort study at two medical centers. Alzheimer's & Dementia18(11), 2368-2372.


2. Sathyapriya, S., & Arockiam, L. (2021). A Review Onsemantic Technology in Iot Healthcare. Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, 9810-9819.



> Fractal Hilbert sensor to detect partial discharge on transformer (HH Sinaga, HBH Sitorus, D Permata, N Soedjarwanto ; Journal of Engineering and Scientific Research 1 (2), 94-100)

Cited by

1. Putra, R. W., Sinaga, H. H., Purwasih, N., Permata, D., Yuniati, Y., & Sitorus, H. B. (2021, August). Partial discharge type detection and identification based on its sources. In IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering (Vol. 1173, No. 1, p. 012022). IOP Publishing.



> A cans waste classification system based on RGB images using different distances of k-means clustering (Y Resti, F Nasution, I Yani, AS Mohruni, FA Almahdini ; Journal of Engineering and Scientific Research 2 (1), 53-57)

Cited by

1. Resti, Y., Burlian, F., Yani, I., & Sari, I. M. (2020). Improved the Cans Waste Classification Rate of Naive Bayes using Fuzzy Approach. Science and Technology Indonesia5(3), 75-78.
